She is the only person with the experience and qualifications to provide HD32 the representation it deserves.
For nearly 20 years Brittany has been working to improve her community through policy change, funding, and communications.
A sample list of her work is detailed below.

Sample list of bills Brittany has worked on
​Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office (2020-Present)
R&R Partners (2018-2020)
Utah Department of Health (2015-2018)

Sample list of legislative appropriations and Brittany has worked on
​​Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office (2020-Present)
R&R Partners (2018-2020)
Jail Contracting and Reimbursement and Court Security Funding (track record of getting the state to pay its bills)
Rural Economic Development Grants (Carbon-Emory Housing Pilot Program and Coal Country Strike Team)
Utah Department of Health (2015-2018)

Sample list of efforts Brittany has worked on
​Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office (2020-present)
Convene and support collations to address youth violence, recidivism, and other emergent community challenges
Enhance recruitment and retention efforts for sworn and civilian staff
Assist with expanding mental health services for the community and staff
Support the national Commission on Criminal Justice Policing Task Force
​Utah Department of Health (2015-2018)
R&R Partners (2018-2020)​
Led the 10-year reaffirmation Utah Compact on Immigration
Faciliated coalitions to address emergent issues from domestic and sexual violence, suicide, substance use and addiction, education, and renewable energey
Supported marketing campaigns on prevention and public health
Conducted research and polling
Developed and pitched proposals to public and private organization
Previous Experience (2004-2015)​
Worked on various state-level energy issues across the US including California’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (2004-2012)
Engaged in federal energy policy (2004-2012)
Supported community education for complex energy projects across Southern California (2004-2012)
Assisted non-profits with advocacy at the local and state level (2010-2012)
Involved in multiple political campaigns including managing a 2014 city council race (2004-2015)